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Flow Baseboard

Timber & Size
Dispatches in 1-2 working days from AU

Need a spare baseboard for your Flow Hive Classic, or want to convert your existing Langstroth hive to the Flow method of harvesting?

We have a limited number of our screened baseboards in Australian Araucaria – compatible with Flow Hives Classics, Flow Super Classics & Hybrids.

Flow Baseboards are specially manufactured with an optimal backward sloping angle of 2.5º for easy honey harvesting from your Flow Frames.

Complete with an inbuilt pest management system, including stainless steel mesh for easy monitoring of unwanted guests within the hive and a corflute slider to control the airflow for your colony to suit local conditions. 

Compatible with:

Araucaria 6 AU Style:  Flow Hive Classic ARA 6, Flow Super Classic ARA 6, Flow Hive Hybrid ARA 3, original Flow Hive Classic Cedar 6.

Araucaria 7 AU Style:  Flow Hive Classic ARA 7, Flow Super Classic ARA 7, original Flow Hive Classic Cedar 7.

Each of our Flow Hive models are manufactured with minor sizing differences, so it is important to choose the correct Baseboard to be compatible with your existing hive.

You can also add it to an existing 8 frame Langstroth hive, however, please note that all Langstroth boxes are made differently – there may be a minor difference in timber width between your Langstroth box and our baseboard. 

Need help?

We know it can be confusing knowing which size to select, so please  contact our team if you need any assistance in choosing the correct baseboard for your existing hive.


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