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The Australian Beekeeping Manual

Second edition. Author: Robert Owen
An accessible, comprehensive reference for both novice and experienced beekeepers in Australia


The Australian Beekeeping Manual is the most comprehensive reference for both novice and experienced beekeepers in Australia. The accessible yet detailed text, supported by over 350 full-colour photographs and illustrations, covers all the key areas, including the beekeeping equipment needed, how to obtain bees, where to locate them in the garden, and the basics of colony management.

There are also in-depth chapters on the lifecycle of the honey bee, extracting honey, creating a bee-friendly garden, entering honey in competitions, pests and diseases, native bees, and rearing queens.

A feature of this 2nd edition is the addition of a new chapter on the Flow Hive. The result is an invaluable beekeeping resource that will be referred to time and again, and which can be taken out to the hive for use as an immediate step-by-step guide or read at leisure.


This book contains a wealth of knowledge for beekeepers of all levels – we love its practical tips and instruction on caring for bees, plus its interesting and informative chapters on the myriad ways that bees enrich our lives. A perfect accompaniment to TheBeekeeper.org!


Published: 2020
Publisher: Exisle Publishing
ISBN: 9781925820928
Format: Paperback
Pages: 368



The Australian Beekeeping Manual: Sold Out


Hand holding a heart
A company that gives back
Hands holding bee
Protecting pollinator habitat
Exceeding social and environmental standards
Earth regenerating
Committed to reducing carbon emissions