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Bees of Australia: A Photographic Exploration

Author: James Dorey
Discover the beauty and diversity of Australia's native bees.

Dispatches in 1-2 working days from AU

Discover the beauty and diversity of Australia's native bees. Bees are the darlings of the insect world. It is a great joy to see these tenacious insects hard at work, peacefully buzzing from flower to flower on warm and sunny days. Many people recognise the worth of bees in general, but very few know about the diversity and importance of our native bee species. There are an estimated 2000 to 3000 bee species in Australia, yet we know very little about the vast majority of these – there are many that are yet to be described.

Bees of Australia introduces some of our incredible native bees, many of which can be found in your own garden. Open this book wherever you like or read it from cover to cover. The combination of photography and contributions from many of Australia's leading bee researchers allows anyone to become enthralled by our native bees. Don't be surprised if you find yourself looking closer at every flower that you pass in search of our wonderful native bees.


A beautiful book to return to again and again – from its stunning images to its expert insight into the little-known lives of Australia’s native bees, you’ll be captivated from start to finish.


Published: 2018
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
ISBN: 978148630849
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224



Bees of Australia: A Photographic Exploration: Dispatches in 1-2 working days


Hand holding a heart
A company that gives back
Hands holding bee
Protecting pollinator habitat
Exceeding social and environmental standards
Earth regenerating
Committed to reducing carbon emissions